
Welcome to my blog about starting a horse business. Take a break from the planning, working on spreadsheets, or even frustration with building a webpage, and come here for some rest, relaxation, rejuvenation. Sometimes you just need to browse, sometimes to vent, to ask questions, and to look for that one idea that sparks your engine and gets you going again. This will be a roundtable of ideas and notions to jumpstart you again.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Please, Not One More Site

Can we please NOT have one more site that tells me to use my "savings" as a resource to start a cutting horse business or dressage barn. If I had that much money on hand, I would already be in business, not trying to Start a Horse Business. These suggestions are simply too simplistic for me. That kind of suggestion really looks to me like it is saying "...go away and come back when you have some real money...maybe in forty years." This is not what I am looking for in terms of "help".

Most of us need a decent, practical way to start, that we can do, and build something in a step-by-step way. We are willing to work hard to accomplish this, but start us step by step. We can live starting small, but can we at least "start". That is really why I started my website. It is not so much about guidance and tools; it is about living a dream, getting started, doing something, taking action.

I think you can get started in the Horse Industry and start creating an income stream no matter what talents and abilities you have. Keep your day job; just get started. There is a reason why it is important to START on many levels.  First, it is probably better than the channel-surfing you did being a couch potato last weekend. Second, doing something ignites and energizes you to further action. Third, it starts you Networking and moving within the Horse Industry and this is, afterall, where you want to be, isn't it?  Finally, if you can make this first baby step work, you can keep this income stream coming in for years--even if you later hire someone else to do it.

Want an example? How about this: Suppose one of your idle talents (or something in which you are a little interested in learning) is candle making. You could do this at night and or on week-ends. Candles? Yes, candles. Tack Stores and Equestrian Gift Shops carry more than blankets and pails. How would this work? You would make candles, call on local Tack Shops and Feed Stores and Horse Shows or similar places and sell your product. What products? You could try these candles. Doesn't it cross your mind that the person at this candle website is making a living doing this?

What do you accomplish by doing this? You should make some extra money. You should be circulating and networking (building Social Capital) with horse businesses and horse people. You should be surveying ongoing Tack Businesses. You should be getting ideas about your next business or product. Most importantly, you have at least started.

Think. What could you do to Start Your Horse Business.

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